When: 10/16/2021


Number of Pax: 7

Pax Names: Birdhole, El Capitan, Mud Pie, Peach, Smudge,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Bird Hole

The BackBlast:

You ever had a Lunch ‘N Learn at work? Well we did Pain ‘N Learn. The normal Q-led pain peppered with nantan-led (not so coincidentally nantan is also the Q) facts and figures on F3. Being a young region, YHC wanted to share the latest facts and figures, leadership and a bit of history of F3.

Questions raised and answered were:

  1. What’s the job of the nantan? Instill spirit and culture. Impact men with F3 names and without.
  2. What is our mission and what are our 5 core principles? Good news…the pax knew these since we repeat at every workout.
  3. What is another important goal of how we look at men? Leave no man behind but leave no man where you found him.
  4. When was F3 founded and how old (to the month)? 1/1/2011. 10 years; 10 months.
  5. Who were the founders? Dredd and OBT
  6. What’s the name of their book and what’s the subtitle? FTL; F3 and The Unshackling Of The Modern Day Warrior
  7. How many weekly workouts? 2,395
  8. How many states without a weekly workout? 9
  9. How many countries, including coming very soon? 7
  10. How many regions? 212 today…214 next week.
  11. What is 2025 goal for quantity of pax? 250,000 but also emphasized we will keep quality of F3 culture very high.
  12. Current nation nantan? Slaughter
  13. What does Dark Helmet do and how many participated in his work last year? Podcast guru and 350,000 downloads last year. 500,000 projected for next year.
  14. What does Bing do? Our pax know him but not all knew he heads national and international expansion.
  15. Who is Scrath and Sniff, why is he unique and what does he do? Heads F3F…our 501(c)(3) foundation. Only paid person in F3. Helps raise funds to reinvest into local efforts and expansion. G2G is next campaign starting November. $208M raised last year and $159M in local grants so far.
  16. What is Italian Job’s legacy? The newsletter; reinforced pax need to sign up and read regularly.
  17. What does Repeato do? Nantan of the Grow Ruck. Hoping for 15+ next year.

FINAL SCORE: No red marks or checks for answers. Awareness raised. Leaders take a step forward in perspective and maybe how they can impact the future.

YHC left out so many great leaders and facts and figures, but – you know – we only have an hour. YHC will instill going efforts for pax awareness and education in other ways in the near future.

COP: SSH, Abe Vigodas, Mountain Climbers, Imperial Walkers

THE THANG: Mosey to Volley Beach to wall for dips and wall step ups (or jumps if desired)

Indian Run to swim facility parking lot for parking lot pain. Partner up; partner 1 goes 10 parking spaces for plank jacks while partner 2 does squats, P2 runs to P1 who runs back to beginning to switch roles. Repeato with merkins and hillbilly SSH and then Apollo Ohnos and surfees. Intermission for a few suicides and then another round with P1 sprinting out 10 spaces and returning while P2 does knee jumps.

Heartbreak Ridge style Indian Run back to concrete pad near beach. About 5 minutes of Mary with LBC’s, WWII sit ups and Penguin ++.

COT: Namearama, Countarama, Announcements and Prayers. Train is organizing a shoe drive, El Cap drumming up support for own Stache to watch his musical abilities. Some good discussion of some other 3rd F possibilities. Planning to have our first ever SLT meeting week after next. YHC had closing remarks of our awareness and education including garnering support for Dark Helmet’s awesome BHAG goal to eradicate Sad Clown Syndrome.

Glad to serve these fine men today in paradise,

Bird Hole



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