AO: Hard Knocks University Bootcamp - Wednesday

When: 03/02/2022


Number of Pax: 8

Pax Names: Condenser, Lancelot, Papa Smurf, Sir Wallace, Snooki, Sparkler, Wolverine,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Kotter

The BackBlast:

YHC did not want to Q today; but when the alarm goes off, it is time.

The gloom was a perfect temperament with high 50s and a little breeze to cool the old boys down.

We began with an old man style warmorama with lots of exercises to lubricate the joints and open the mind.

after her mosey just short of too long, we began the Thang:

The Thang


  1. Perkins 10
  2. Power Skips 20 yards
  3. Plank 10 breathes

Breathing Ladders


  • merkins
  • squats
  • leg lifts


  • Merkins 100
  • Flying Geese 200
  • LBCs 300

*Sprint 4X20 yards

To end, the pax completed five rounds of Pit of Misery as the Ruckers joined us to finish out the morning.


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