When: 07/05/2022


Number of Pax: 2

Pax Names: Blade Runner, Fireball,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Blade Runner

The BackBlast:

The site-Q (YHC) failed to secure an HC for the Q-sheet, thus activating The Guillotine’s reliable fall-back beatdown, Mary’s around the lake.  It’s 1.4 miles around with about a dozen pain stations along the way.  It was no challenge to remember whose turn it was to dole out the punishment as all but one of the Guillotine regulars succumbed to post-holiday fart-sacking.

Fireball saved YHC from a solo workout, and I’m happy to report he was not coming in hot this gloom.  He was waiting for YHC in the lot at 0505 — pretty darned early for a Guillotine beatdown.  Great fellowship and a well rounded set of exercises — Russian get-ups, anyone?

Maybe could have taken a bit more punishment at each bench, or maybe we were just running that fast, but we had ten minutes to spare when we made it back to the lot, so we just kept going for two more pain stations and another half mile of running.

I’d say it was two miles, but I don’t want to intimidate all the pax training for Augusta.

Blade Runner out.


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