When: 10/08/2020


Number of Pax: 3

Pax Names: Bubbles, Trump,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Chilipepper

The BackBlast:

Weather.  Humid, 77 and uncommonly no breeze.

5:15 rolled in.  5 Core principles and I’m not liable for the stupid beatdown I’m about to suggest.. .

We mozied with some but kickers and high knees.  Circled up for some SSH, Strawberry pickers and Old JimmyDean back stretches.

The Thang, The Killer B’s x 4.  Not Bear, Brats and Babes..  This is better.

4 Rounds of..

PAX Bear crawl roughly 100ft, then Broad jump back to start, every 5 broad jumps, PAX performs 3 Burpees.  Simple..  But was sufficient to cause Trump to drive off in search of a latrine… in typical Trump fashion.

Pax did receive some encouragement from the Pepper and were able to complete, Trump you owe me some homework!




Rowdy’s friend’s house remodel- rip and repair, weekend of Oct 25-26

Walk to End Alzheimer’s Saturday 21-NOV (Manziel)


Praises/Prayer Requests

Jimmy Dean varicose veins / medicine effects

QuickDraw surgery

Injured pax (Lancelot, and many others)

Bubbles and 2.0 and Job situation

Trump and some business decisions.

F3 Hightower family and community

Our Leaders, Government and Nation

First Responders, Military, Medical staff on the front lines for us.

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