When: 06/12/2021


Number of Pax: 5

Pax Names: Birdhole, El Capitan, Smudge,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Bird Hole

The BackBlast:

Stealing a few lines from House Of Pain (seems to fit don’t it): Jump around! Jump around! Jump around! Jump up, jump up and get down. Jump! Jump! Jump! Everybody jump!

Yes, YHC brought some different pain by getting discount jump ropes from Amazon, and putting them into quick action. We were blessed to have Puddin’ as a downrange from Charlotte (North Meck area) jump around with us. Glad to have you sweat with us, which was easy since we had a hot and humid morning with a rare absence of a cooling Bay breeze.

And just in case y’all don’t think St. Pete is both chill and worldly, we had our 10 second breaks counted in Spanish, French and Mandarin! And while not today, we have had it in German as well.

COP: Mosey out to Hooker’s Pier for SSH, windmill, Imperial Walkers, and mountain climbers. Then a quick lesson on how to use a jump rope since it’s likely been a while for some of us  (use wrists not arms, keep back straight, land on toes and not heels). Well…Train didn’t need no stinking lessons….we had a quick practice session and he looked like he’s been jumping daily since kindergarten.


Mosey to The Tropics, with part of our mosey using the ropes as we moved along. Cumbersome for some, including YHC. Found our fav bench area for some rope pain:

  •  20 second basic jumps, 20 merkins, 20 sec basic jumps, 10 jump squats and end with 20 second basic jumps. Repeato: 20 second basic jumps, 20 mountain climbers, 20 sec basic jumps, 20 seal jacks and end again with 20 second basic jumps.
  • Rope break with 40 LBC’s
  • Then some attempts (20 was the call; successful for some like Train but a bit of a fail for YHC) doing a boxer step with the ropes. and then 20 crossovers each side (hold both ends of rope in hand and then swing right to left and back while jumping).

Mosey to the Bay Trail for a modified Heartbreak Ridge: Fold ropes in quarters and hold one end in each hand (simulates a rifle if you see the movie) overhead and execute Indian Run with each pax doing two laps also holding rope ends overhead.

Short mosey to sidewalk in middle of park; partner up. P1 runs about 50 yards, 20 jumps and return while P2 does straight jumping until P1 returns; then switch. Repeat with P2 doing 10 diamond merkins and then regular merkins until partner returns.

Another short mosey to a triangle shaped sidewalk so we could spread out for Dr. Pepper. I felt old when none of the pax knew what I was talking about. Sigh. Lay rope lengthwise on sidewalk the 10-2-4: 10 small jumps to each side of rope, 2 knee jumps (one each side makes one rep so 4 total) and 4 exaggerated box jumps (move forward and backward mimics frog jump, crossing rope each lateral jump).and then a reverse Dr. Pepper (4-2-10).

Another Heartbreak Ridge heading towards home, with short stop for step ups on the beach wall. Then, oh why the heck not, took a stab at reverse jumping with ropes. That took some doing but each got a rhythm after a bit.

Mosey forward with jump ropes to concrete area near beach. Headed to incline with head on lower level for extra challenge: 10 big boy sit ups followed by a big boy the 4 American Hammers; 5 of these.

COT: Countarama, Namearama, announcements and prayers: Smudge thanked all for the Burg T-shirt orders; we will wear them proudly when they arrive. Prayed for healing of several know to pax with ongoing health challenges as well as ongoing struggles with my M from losing her mom recently.  Prayed for safe travels for Puddin heading home today and Train as he heads to Columbia (SC) for biz and posting there.

A blast to jump around with you fellas!

YHC: Bird Hole


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