AO: Centennial Park

When: 01/17/2023


Number of Pax: 3

Pax Names: Guide Dog, Sugar, Winn Dixie,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Sugar

The BackBlast:

YHC was prepared for the (Florida) cold. I was not prepared to Q. I pulled up to the AO fairly early. Winn Dixie pulled up a few minutes before go time and Guide Dog followed shortly after. We all got out and unloaded and looked around. At 5:32, I decided that I would get us going.

We took a mosey around to the other side of the shopping center and triangled up for SSHs, Weedpickers, Windmills, Copperhead Squats, and Moroccan Night Clubs. We moseyed halfway back so I could see if any familiar vehicles had joined ours. Then we began The Thang.

PAX lined up on one end of a small section of the parking lot. PAX were to traverse the lot two parking spaces at a time, travelling by Bear Crawl. Every two lines we would escalator with Burpees and Monkey Humpers (1 and 4 the first time, 2 and 8 the second, 3 and 12… up tp 5 and 20). Much mumblechatter (particularly from YHC) about the suckage of monkey humpers. they had us looking forward to burpees. PAX traversed back to the other side by way of crab walk. Every two lines PAX engaged in 5 alpha count American Hammers and 5 Hand Release, Shoulder Tap Merkins (no escalator). Once more across the lot, this time by way of lunge walks, stopping every two lines for Squats and LBCs.

PAX moseyed back to the “Flag” (gathering area) and lined up against the wall for 11’s. Bobby Hurleys at the island(s) and Dips at the wall. We mixed in some more lunge walking for good measure.

Time was called. PAX counted off, Name-a-Rama, and COT

Discussed getting a 2nd F opportunity (dinner, golf, something). Prayers for families.

I was happy to be back with these HIMs. Sugar has the Q Friday at Publix.

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