When: 12/03/2020


Number of Pax: 3

Pax Names: Lancelot, Mr. Clean, Sir Wallace,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Mr Clean

The BackBlast:

According to Lancelot we had Arctic cold (44) here this morning for an early morning beatdown.

FNG – Disclaimer

We are a peer led non-for profit group that uses public property for its work outs.

No one is a professional and everyone should work out to their own ability and comfort level.

Please modify as necessary as to not get hurt.


5 core principles

Free of charge

Open to all Men

Held outdoors, rain or shine, cold or hot

Rotation of leaders

Ends in a circle of Trust


Around Parking Lot Mosy

Karaoke’s and NUR



We started with some suicides in the parking lot and doing 1 minute of each the following exercises between suicides.

  1. Freddy Mercuries
  2. American Hammers
  3. Plank
  4. 2 point planks

After we were done with these at each of the 3 parking lot dividers we did the following

20 sets reverse Crunch

10 sets each side Side plank Hip Raises

20 Butterfly Sit Ups

30 Mountain Climbers

30 Flutters


For our finally we did the following for one minute each with a 10 second break between exercises.



Parker Peters

Shoulder Taps


Leg Raises


Jump Squats



Reminder about the Wild Pax and Super Hero 5k

Prayers for all the PAX attending Wild PAX so we do not get hurt, the first responders and military, prayers for all the country and its leaders.






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