When: 03/15/2022


Number of Pax: 4

Pax Names: Blade Runner, Curds, Mugsy, Olympus,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Olympus

The BackBlast:

I am not going to lie. Last night it was a rough one with some adult beverages included. That said, I would NEVER leave my fellow brothers hanging at HH when I am on Q. So I braved the gloom..and let me add the daylight savings time change did not help either…

warmup. A couple of laps mosi with some drills (knee to chest. heel to butt, toy soldiers, karaoke, a-skips, straight legs, side shuffle).

The Thang:

50 Burpees (run a lap)

100 merkins (run a lap)

150 lunges (run a lap)

200 air squats (run a lap)

150 lunges (run a lap)

100 merkins (run a lap)

50 burpees (run a lap)

Apparently, I was not quite all there when I thought we can get all this done in 45 minutes…nonetheless, we got after it! great job fellas

Olympus out

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