AO: Bad Clown Cycling - Friday

When: 08/27/2021


Number of Pax: 4

Pax Names: Bing, Lancelot, Pincher,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names: N/A

QIC: Crabcakes

The BackBlast:

Q Sheet had SpeedRacer listed on Q today for the NBP Cycling AO.  The fear of the unknown or never met before PAX must’ve led to the normal cycling crew deciding to fartsack instead of venturing out for a potpourri of activity around the UTC area.

After, a minor bike repair to YHC’s bike the 4 PAX headed off towards dillards and completed two loops around the mall and the target shopping plaza.  The first loop was just a standard loop….during the 2nd loop the PAX mixed in a few hill climbs by riding up and down the parking rows on the backside off the mall.

After completing the 2nd loop the PAX headed south on Cattleman and completed a loop around the NBP lake.   Bing was feeling it this morning and separated from YHC, Pincher and Lancelot.  Pincher pulled YHC around the loop while Lancelot rode at a steady/safe pace as to not put any unnecessary strain or re-injure his foot.

After completing the NBP loop YHC and Pincher took one more lap around UTC while Bing completed an out and back along Cattleman.

Thanks for coming out this morning brothers…..I enjoyed exploring UTC and am looking forward to continuing to ride on Friday’s in the gloom.

Make it a great day,


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