AO: Centennial Park

When: 09/17/2022


Number of Pax: 8

Pax Names: Fireball, Lancelot, Sea Lion, Wolverine,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Lancelot

The BackBlast:

Weather:  Sunny and Humid for this Florida Morning @ Pride Park, VMA

Arrived early, scouted the area, Grass and fields were wet, many puddles and standing water along the parking lot and vicinity.

As Pax started arriving, I observed who they were, so I can make a decision on which beatdown to execute and how to modify for those in attendance.

As we circled up, welcomed all, started with the obligatory disclaimers and Core Principles of F3 Nation. Wolverine’s arrival surprised us, so we started warmups with Michael Phelps, Arm Circles, Good Mornings, and stretches, Finishing up, unbeknownst of the others, with 52 SSHs. in honor of our Birthday Brother Wolverine.

I got word, that some liked to run (Hoverboard and Dog Sitter) so we headed out on our Mosey, along the sidewalk over to the adjacent school parking lot, however upon the arrival, realized the gates were locked, so we headed back.

As I was new to the AO, as a Q, and knowing the 2.0s came with SeaLion, I partnered the pax with those who are unfamiliar.

Threw down 2 decks of cards in the center of the court, started the 80s Music and proceeded to The Thang.

The Thang:

Teams started at the center of the court, drew a card. Depending on the card, they traveled to their designated corners, w/ a designated mode of transportation, to perform their exercises, dictated by the card drawn, returning to the center by the same mode of transportation.

Mode of Transportation:  Clubs: Toy Soldiers    Spades:  Bear Crawl      Diamonds: Run Lap   Hearts: Crab Walk

Exercises:  Clubs: Burpee + Hand release Merkins             Spades: Captain Thors (Big Boy Sit-Ups + (4) American Hammers

Diamonds: Evander Holyfieds                            Hearts: Leg Lunges

Aces: 15 Reps of the associated Exercises    Kings, Queens, Jacks: 10 Reps of the associated Exercises      Jokers: 5 of all Exercises

With this, it provided time to get to know each other, explaining to the 2.0s that as we become better acquainted with your fellow brothers, we start feeling more confident and feel less intimidated by them, hopefully igniting the fire within ourselves to become more motivated and passionate with our work-outs.

With time counting down, we circled up to do a Round of Marys to close out our beatdown.

COT: Circle of Trust

No FNGS, Count off of 8, Namarama


  • Sarasota for Laps, October 16th, new date, need more F3 Pax, for $100 donation
  • Wildpax
  •  VMA Partnership Monthly, Tutoring & PE Classes


  • The People of Haiti and their challenges with their water and health,
  • Dog Sitters, Sisters’ friend Birthday
  • Hoverboard’s Knees
  • Pax who are facing challenges of their own, mentally and physically.

Thank you, as always Blessed & Honored to lead. – Lancelot








We began with five principles, and then a warning and disclaimer. Because the Nike cones were new, they came with their own disclaimer by Nike! So Papa Smurf read that.

We started with Mozy around the parking lot. This time we went through middle drive thru lane of bank. This followed by usual Strawberry Pickers, Windmill, Imperial walkers, etc.

The Thang

Idea was to have four different suits, heart, diamond, club, spade. Each exercise would correspond to a number. So you had to run to the suit corner to do the exercises. Each time, we did 20 exercises. We split up into groups of two, except for Q who got to go with cool team.

The deck went thus:

  1. Ace, LBC
  2. Flutter kick
  3. Stepup
  4. Carolina Drydock
  5. lunges
  6. Freddy Merc
  7. Mt. Climber
  8. Weezy Jeff
  9. Plank Jack
  10. Diamond Merc
  11. Squats
  12. Peter Parker
  13. SSH

It was noted the age of the cards. They were gleaned from someone in family’s Bicentennial trip on United Airlines. That would mean they were likely given out on a DC-8 or some such archaic aviation equipment.

We then did a quick run of 11’s. Smurf was pointedly pointed out to that an incline merkin and decline merkin on a tiny curb were really over 100 pushups. Always substitution allowed.


Prayers for pax missing, and our daily lives. After that, we went over to Panera for some coffee.

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