AO: Meat Grinder - Monday

When: 06/20/2022


Number of Pax: 8

Pax Names: AirWolf, Crabgrass, Fireball, Lancelot, Manziel, Spartan, Usher,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Posh

The BackBlast:

Dixieland is the rare AO whose name was so good that it didn’t change during the recent rebranding. So 8 PAX came out at Dixieland to start their week in the right way.

We started with a mosey through aisles of the parking lot. On the way back, we changed it up with a series of merkin exercises. Yesterday was Fathers Day, so I borrowed an exercise from my kids: The Bro Merkin. 2 PAX face each and do a merkin. Every time they come up, they do a first bump. We did 10 of those on each aisle.

The next set of exercises was a ladder drill across one of aisle of the parking lot. Some examples:

  • Squat walk, followed by 5 LBCs, then squat walk back again for 5 more LBCs. Repeat for 90 seconds.
  • Bunny hops, followed by 5 Bobby Hurleys, then bunny hops back again for 5 more Bobby Hurleys.

We finished up with some circle drills, including “Stop, Drop and Roll”. Everyone does high knees until a PAX says “down”. We drop to the floor for a merkin, roll into another merkin, roll back for a 3rd merkin.

Thanks for the all the PAX for coming out. Prayers for Pete and Mrs Doubtfire.

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