When: 01/12/2022


Number of Pax: 5

Pax Names: Birdhole, El Capitan, Mud Pie, Peach, Smudge,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Bird Hole

The BackBlast:

5 core pax came together to put forth pain at The Pier…most unique AO in the nation (I’ll put money on that) for an “unbelievable” workout. YHC/QIC decided to do a bit of old spiced up with a bit of new, the latter challenging the laws of gravity. We missed several pax due to IR…come back soon Tagalong and Freestyle! Missed several others because of ??? (you know who you are and we missed you too).

COP: Can’t believe I didn’t do SSH. Oh well….Imperial Walkers, Abe Vigoda, Peter Parker, Parker Peter, Parker Peter with leg crossover, Mountain Climbers


Mosey down to one of the many paths and sub-AO’s seemingly built just for us.

  • Can’t believe I made all do burpees. Oh well…At a small triangle of sidewalks, we did squats, Apollo Ohnos, and a good dose of burpees. Latter strangely not a fav of YHC (is that F3 blasphemy?) yet I am a team player and submitted my Q choice so the pax can keep going on their MABA achievements.
  • They couldn’t believe I did not do the NUR. Oh well… More mosey, adding Carioca right and left, high knees and butt kickers. But wait, no NUR (run backwards in action and spelling if your brain is off at this reading). It’s a typical offering with these other on-the-mosey activities. We headed to St. Pete Mountain and did the Bernie….actually a NUR doing the reverse run uphill and noon-NUR down. It’s rough on one’s calves and coordination. At the foot of the mountain on each of two gravity-defying NURs, on our backs with head at low and feet on high grade for 20 Big Boys. The pax learned after only 3-4 of the extra pain by going against gravity really has one ones gut in stress mode.
  • At the foot of St. Pete Mountain, partner up. Partner 1 run around the mountain while partner 2 does LBC’s until partner 1 returns, then switch roles. Two more reps with knee jumps and diamond merkins in successive rounds.
  • Head to the side of the mountain for People’s Chair adding, Muhammad Alis and the toe/knee/chest and head touches to help pass the pain away.
  • We can’t believe we have an airplane! Time to move again, mosey to our own private airplane (come see what this is!) for the requisite YHC called B Burg Hops (hands on wall then bring both legs on wall to left and then right – always a gasser), dips and derkins.
  • We had a short mosey to catch a breath, then to lose it again with AYG the last 1/3 m mile to the start.

COT: Countarama, Namearama, Announcements and Prayers. The Burg had or first SLT the night before, so we praised that effort and have claimed victory over the quantity of new men and quality of whole workout and the overall F3 The Burg experience it will bring. All attending pax have some assigned duties on marketing, 1st F, 2nd F and 3rd F for the quarter ending March 31, 2022. While some of the workout was unbelievable, we believe we are building the foundation for greater things. Using the famous line in YHC’s favorite movie (Facing The Giants): We are preparing our fields for God’s rain!

YHC can’t believe I have the privilege (mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual) and call (a wonderful choice of responsibility) to lead these fine men in to opportunities, challenges and ultimately great growth of so many aspects of our hearts, mind, bodies and souls.

YHC out,

The “Holiest of All Birds”*

*(many thanks to Dark Helmet for this creative moniker on a Dredd-given name in March 2012 that evokes other non-creative images).

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