When: 09/14/2021


Number of Pax: 2

Pax Names: Blade Runner, Olympus,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Olympus

The BackBlast:

Weather: not cold, again

Got there to find it would be an intimate beatdown of 2. Still did not take it easy on Bladerunner

Warm Up: Typical Olympus warmup, including mosi, skips, side shuffles, toy soldiers, bird feeders, A Skip, B Skip, etc.

The Thang

  1. 100 LBCs 10 Burpees, run a lap, 20 bench triceps extensions
  2. 90 Mountain climbers, 9 burpees, run a lap, 20 step-ups to the bench
  3. 80 Michael Jacksons, 8 burpees, run, 20 bench triceps extensions
  4. 70 Air squats, 7 burpees, run, 20 step-ups to the bench
  5. 60 plank jacks 6 burpees, run, bench triceps extensions
  6. 50 Imperial walkers, 5 burpees,run,  20 step-ups to the bench

My plan was to get to 40, 30, 20, and 10…clearly, my time management skills are lacking…

We did have a couple of minutes in the end to do some signature germans and muffin tops.


Iron Pax, Wild Pax


Injured pax, sick pax

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