AO: Dixieland - Monday

When: 01/30/2023


Number of Pax: 5

Pax Names: Sir Wallace, Spartan, Stagecoach, Teletubby,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Spamalot

The BackBlast:

As the month of January comes to end, what better excuse than to incorporate some Burpees into the beatdown?

As YHC pulled into the AO at 5, Sir Wallace and Stagecoach were knocking them out.  Interestingly, Ripken was nowhere to be seen.  Based on Slack last night, his presence was expected.  Alas, his loss.

Teletubby made his return to the gloom this morning!  Two weeks removed from surgery, he was back and getting after it.  His knee looks great, and the swelling is almost gone.


Mission Statement and Five Core Principles given.  Partial legal disclaimer given, especially the modify as necessary part…looking at you Teletubby!


Warm o Rama

SSH, Imperial Walkers, Strawberry Pickers, Windmill (Abe Vigoda style), Michael Phelps, Merkins, Arm circles forward.  All x 10; all IC



Hit the music – today’s theme – mid to late 1970s.



Exercises:  Jump Squats and WWII Situps

You know the routine.  10 Jump Squats and then run to first light pole.  1 WWII.  Back to start for 9 Jump Squats, then run and perform 2 WWII.  Continue this pattern until 1 Jump Squat and 10 WWII.


Slam Ball time

With the 15# slam ball, one pax continuously slams the ball while the other pax travel to the far sidewalk and back.  Mode of transportation was determined from the Deck of Death.

Modes of Transportation included:  NUR, Side Shuffle, Karioke, High Knees, and Butt Kickers


15 Minutes of Burpees (or running)

Pretty simple concept.  Set Tamata timer for 60 seconds.  15 rounds.

Minute 1 – perform 1 burpee

Minute 2 – perform 2 burpees

And so on.


In the event you were not able to complete the designated number of burpees in the minute, you were to run to Sir Wallace’s jeep (near Burger Fi and back).  Any extra time was for recovery.



LBCs, Heal touches.  IC, x 11



War Baby – Sir Wallace

War Daddy – Spartan

Garmin Stats:  1.33 miles covered, 587 calories burned

Strong work by all this morning!

Welcome back Teletubby!  Good to have you back!!

Tclaps to Sir Wallace and (the almost birthday boy) Stagecoach for pre-beatdown Burpees.

Spartan continues to be Spartan.  #respectrespectrespect

Sir Wallace was the only Pax to reach the 15th round for burpees.  If you completed all 15 rounds (which he did…) that comes to 120 burpees.

There was general confusion as to where Ripken was this morning.


Announcements/Prayer Requests

A LOT of events happening this month.  Check slack and the weekly newsletter.  If something is missing, let me know.

This week – Happy Hour at Parrots Bar (off of 70) – Thursday at 5:30 pm.  Hope to see you then.

MAJOR TCLAPS to Goob on his marathon.  We are all proud of you.

Tomorrow at Bad Clown – come on out and celebrate with Stagecoach as he becomes a #Respect.  BE THERE

Continued prayers for Kim

Prayers for Ginger (Stagecoach’s MIL)

Prayers for full recovery for Teletubby


YHC took us out and then 4/5 pax headed for coffee and some 2nd F.  Topics of discussion included electricians and dogs.



Do Ya – ELO

Blitzkrieg Bop – Ramones

Free-for-All – Ted Nugent

Suffragette City – David Bowie

Dream Police – Cheap Trick

Destroyer – The Kinks

Bye Bye Love – The Cars

Train in Vain – The Clash

I’m The Man – Joe Jackson

New York Groove – Ace Frehley

Next to You – The Police

Peace, Love and Understanding – Elvis Costello

What is Life – George Harrison


Have a great day!  Air Wolf – I left the keys in the pile of gravel in the parking lot.







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