AO: Hard Knocks University Ruck - Wednesday

When: 08/25/2021


Number of Pax: 3

Pax Names: Big Mac, Cavallino,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Chilipepper

The BackBlast:

Thanks Cavalino and BigMac for strapping on the Ruck this gloom!  After our shared 5 Core Principles we split off the rest of the Pax to get a real Beatdown in.

Each Rucker received a bucket with 40 lb of pavers, did some Michel Phelps, Strawberry Pickers, and leg stretches.

The mission was to carry the buckets to each corner of the parking lot and do a set of exercises.

  • 25 Clean & Press (Paver)
  • 25 Heavy Al Gores (Bucket)
  • 25 Side Bends x 2 (Bucket)
  • 25 Shoulder Front Raises (Paver)

After one lap (4 corners and 400 reps) I called an audible and we jogged a lap, did one more round and got one more lap in before 6:00 am was upon us.

We then merged with the rest of the Pax for COT.


  • 9/11 NBP, parking at Dillards @ 8:00  workout starts at 8:46 am
    • 10 year on 10/10/21
    • WildPax Dec 2 – 4, limited spaces sign up now!
    • IronPax Week 0 drops Sunday.  Sign up!
    • RoadSide Cleanup postponed


  • For our injured PAX
  • Our Ms and our Marriages.
  • Schools, teachers, first responders, those who serve.

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