AO: Centennial Park

When: 02/07/2023


Number of Pax: 6

Pax Names: Carmen SanDiego, DITKA, Guide Dog, Papa Smurf, Sugar,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Papa Smurf

The BackBlast:

Pax gathered at 5:30 am. Centennial Park in Port Charlotte is great AO; it is the main athletic and recreation center for Charlotte County, Grounds includes large lighted parking lot and ample grass. We were hoping for a downrange visit from Toilet Genius from St. Louis, but sadly he had the wrong Centennial Park, the one up in Venice. We were lucky instead to have Gen A show up from Toledo area.

We started with Mozy, where we caught two pax just rolling in. Started with the Bad Back old man stretches, then did the warmup routine, with Sidestraddle, windmill, imperial walker and mountain climber.

The Thang

We started with a modified B.O.M.B.S routine. Since Smurf hates and wonders about the long-term effects of burpees, we modified them into MOLAS BOMBS. Pax paired up, with a routine of 50 Merkins, 100 Overhead Claps, 150 LBCs, 200 Apollo Onos and 250 Squats. One of the pair ran to the end of the “petroleum based pavement”, while the other kept count. Issue over whether one on each side; Smurf said do what you like but easy count is ok. Ditka quite excited about petroleum based pavement, as its his gig.

That spells MOLAS. Hence MOLAS BOMBS.

For the middle round, we did sixes in the playground, with pullups on bars, and derkins anywhere you could plant feet. The nice woodchips were deluxe. No one picked derkins on swings.

Last round was a heavily modified Bruce Lee. In sets of 20, we did sets of American Hammers, Leg Raises, Heel Touches, Crunchy Frogs and LCS. You had to rest at the end for a bit.

Grateful to have Jennay from Toledo area, visiting with family. He has posted at Adventure Park in previous visits, and will be with us to Q Friday at Publix Quesada.

Prayers for family, including an injured M. And kids.

Over and out.


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