AO: Blazing Saddles - Tuesday

When: 01/18/2022


Number of Pax: 5

Pax Names: Brutus, Crabcakes, Fireball, Pincher, Trump,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Brutus

The BackBlast:

PREP: Layers

WEATHER: a balmy 49F (42F was expected) Wind NE 7 mph

6:00AM: The Thang: Lorraine south to Waterside, west to Deer, south/west to LWR, north to River Club, north to Clubhouse, then split – Brutus head home to the west side and Pincher lead the east siders back to Wawa. 

Trump took off after the 5-6AM loop with Pincher 

Crabcakes was moody (later determined to be due to 73 hours of Zoom meetings scheduled the next 2 days) and took off before the announcements and prayers. The rest of us said some quick prayers, mostly for Crabbie. 

SUMMARY: Route was executed as prescribed. Some fiestiness southbound on Lorraine and west through Waterside sustaining 25mph in places with Pincher leading. All made it back safe. 

NOTE: During the ride, we passed a kind 80-ish year old lady on her Schwinn in the bike path near Waterside, and she stopped us and rewarded each of us one million dollars for our bravery and manliness for riding in such cold conditions. We asked if the offer could be extended to some of our cycling friends who were unable to make it this morning, to which she emphatically replied “Those pu$$ies will get nothing! They can suck it!”  Each new millionaire pax then ordered an indoor cycling trainer, one of those really cool tall umbrella style stainless steel propane heaters they have at restaurants, and invested the balance in crypto currency.

Great fun today! Thanks for letting me lead. 

Brutus OUT!!  O — H…!

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