When: 10/20/2020


Number of Pax: 5

Pax Names: Goob, Griffin, Lancelot, Silver Bullet, Sir Wallace,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Lancelot

The BackBlast:

“Around the World in 44 Merkins”

Florida Fall  Weather 77 degrees , Humid

Q: Lancelot

Pax: Sir Wallace, Silver Bullet, Griffin, Goob

Circle Up / Disclaimers

This is F3

•  Free of charge

•  Open to all men

•  Held outdoors, rain or shine, heat or cold

•   Led by men who participate in the workout in a rotating fashion, with no training or certification

•   End with a Circle of Trust

I am not a professional and am not aware of any injuries you may have.

Modify as necessary

“Raise your treys & Prepare for Take Off”

    • Michael Phelps
    • Agitators
    • SSH
    • Strawberry Pickers
    • Leg Stretches

Mosey to Station 1

“Gentlemen, the Captain has turned off the Fasten Seat Belt sign, and you may now move around…”

Cone 1    

          11 – Merkins

Run 1 lap around the entire Parking Lot and then to Cone 2

Cone 2

11 – Merkins

22 – Squats

Run a Lap and proceed to Cone 3

Cone 3 

11 – Merkins

22 – Squats

33 – Shoulder Taps

Run a lap and proceed to Cone 4

Cone 4

11 – Merkins

22 – Squats

33 – Shoulder Taps

44 – Cracker Jacks

Run a Lap , Repeat Round 4

“Please prepare for Landing”

•        Carolina Drydocks (25 IC)

•        LBCs (25 IC)

•        30-60-90

•        Monkey Humpers

•        Imperial Walkers

•        5 Merkins + Burpee (5 IC)


“We have arrived at our destination, you may now use any portable electrocnics

Circle of Trust

Cadence Significance : Q calls out cadence, Pax calls out counts to show support and motivation



 Rowdys Renovation Project October 24th

·  Walk for Alziehmers,  Manziel & Rowdy November 21st

· Wild pax Weekend December 5-7th

·  GrowRuck Zoom Mtg

Praises:    Griffin is getting Baptized at Bayside Saturday 12:30


        Bubbles and stagecoach back

·       Griffins challenges for the upcoming week

·        Chili’s family

·        Elections

·         Farmers, Medical Specialist, Teachers, law enforcement, First responders, and Military

·         Pax facing their own challenges, physically and mentally.

“When the world shuts down and Steps out , we Step up” – DOAH

“Adversity toughens Manhood and the Characteristic of the good or the great man is not that he’s been exempt from the evils of life, but that he has surmounted them”

Blessed & Honored to lead you,  my Brothers. – Lancelot

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