When: 05/29/2021


Number of Pax: 4

Pax Names: Birdhole, El Capitan, Smudge,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Bird Hole

The BackBlast:

A perfect day for gambling! As always, a gorgeous sunrise at Northshore park that was getting full of cyclers, runners, walkers, dog walkers, a few clipboard groups and of course those hanging on the benches enjoying the early beauty of God’s creation here in St. Pete.

COP: Mosey to the beach and edge of the bay for SSH, Imperial Walkers, and Phelps Medley (10 each of butterfly, back, breast and free while standing). Head to beach wall for two handfuls of step ups

Mosey into The Tropics for some card play. In our fav area for exercises in The Tropics (5 benches surrounding a bricked patio-like area), we had two decks of cards. The Ace, King, Queen, Jack and Joker in one stack dictated the exercise and another stack (sans 2, 3 and 4) indicated number of reps. In some cases, there we 2X for 3X for easier exercises. Here’s the breakdown:

         Round 1             Round 2                  Round 3              Round 4             Round 5

A.     Merkins 2X      Dips 2X                    Bench Jumps    Sprints                LBC’s 3X

K.    Squats 2x          Diamonds               Burg Hops*        NUR*                  RosaDollys 2X*

Q.   Jump rope 2X   Standing Lunges    Derkins              Carioca Right*  Freddy Mercs 2X

J     Knee Jumps      Bobby Hurleys 2X  Irkins                 Carioca Left*    WWII Sit Ups

Joker: Q’s Choice

  • Burg Hops – Hands on bench; swing legs onto bench. Invented by YHC; a new Burg fav.
  • NUR – Backwards run (Duh!) for count on drawn card, then mosey for same count. Repeato until run around Tropics circle is complete
  • Carioca Right and Left – Same pattern as NUR
  • RosaDollys – Another YHC invention: on your 6, raise legs, do a Rosalita then Dolly in continual motion (do not put feet on ground)

After first 3 rounds, we did a short NUR adding butt kicks and high knees in NUR fashion.

Mosey on home with a AYG for last 50 yards.

COT: Countarama, Namearama, Announcements and Prayers:

  • Smudge has created and arranged Burg t-shirts for us (great work Smudge!). Get order done at F3 Mudgear ASAP.
  • Regional convergence on Monday to Adventure Park for the obligatory Murph Memorial Day workout. Smudge will clown car with anyone that wants to go.
  • Praises for Train’s 2.0 passing a big test so she and Train can work together (ie. so she can tell him how to do things right) and for YHC’s daughter Anna on successful 4 day travel to Montana to start grad school (Masters in Exercise Science for U of Montana)’ YHC so very proud of her, but who knew the sweet 5 year old in pig tails – that is the vision I always carry in my heart – is now almost 23 and 2,145 miles away.
  • Prayers for a few known by the pax in need of healing.
  • Prayers asking for more men to bless us with their presence in the St. Pete gloom.

Always a pleasure St. Pete Gents!

Bird Hole/YHC

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