When: 12/06/2022


Number of Pax: 4

Pax Names: Blade Runner, Chilipepper, Sir Wallace,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Chilipepper

The BackBlast:

4 HMs at the Guillotine this gloom.  Disclaimer, 5 core principles.  Mozy around the parking lot followed by 50 SSH in cadence, and 20 Michel Phelps.

As it is Advent and the Blue Ridge PAX have a Advent calendar challenge..  Why not!!

F3 BlueRidge – F3 Blue Ridge Advent Challenge

Advent Day 4. 

EMOM 20, 25 Iron Mikes (Lunges) every min.  To add to the fun each PAX took a 25 or 35 lb weight and on each lunge, the weight passed under your leg.  Let’s just say it added up..  We attempted to incorporate Day 6, 20 plank jacks but 60 seconds was not sufficient so once completing the Iron Mikes we plank jacked till the EMOM buzzer let us know to start the next round.


Advent Day 5

5 rounds of

  • 10 Coupon Swings
  • Bear Crawl 50′ 
  • 15 Merkins
  • Bear Crawl 50′

With a few minutes to spare, we did 20 plank jacks, 20 deep squats, muffin tops and heals to haven.

Glad to welcome downrange pax WoodRider from Chattanooga.



  • December 14th Salvation Army Men’s Christmas Party.  Signup and send $$
  • Friday Bible Study on hold till Jan
  • Bring the beatdown to YOU in January. 



  • Family
  • Friend of Chilipepper requested prays for Tori, emergency C-Section.  Mom and Baby are fine!
  • SnapShots syster, continued prayers.

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