AO: Hard Knocks University Bootcamp - Wednesday

When: 04/05/2023


Number of Pax: 8

Pax Names: AirWolf, Dora, Mrs. Doubtfire, Sir Wallace, Sonic Boom, Usher, Wolverine,

Number of FNGS: 1

FNG Names: Pickle Ball

QIC: Sir Wallace

The BackBlast:

5:15a the five core principles announced and disclaimer expressed. Skilled warmup and went right to the beatdown.

the Thang:

13 laps with pain stations every 100 meters totaling 5.2km (completed 10 laps this time)

Run 100 meters to corner

Imperial Walkers

Run 100 meters to next corner


“ “

Toy soldiers

“ “

Jump Squats

“ “

X factors

Carolina dry docks


Peter Parker’s


1 minute wall-sits

speed skaters

30 second leg lift holds at 30 degree angle

mountain climbers

Flutter Kicks

balls to the wall 1 minute handstands

pickle pointers

Triangle Merkins


Quick facts:

Jericho is a Palestinian city in the West Bank. It is located in the Jordan Valley, with the Jordan River to the east and Jerusalem to the west.

Jericho is one of the earliest continuous settlements in the world, dating perhaps from about 9000 BCE.

By about 8000 BCE the inhabitants had grown into an organized community capable of building a massive stone wall around the settlement, strengthened at one point at least by a massive stone tower. This first Neolithic culture of Palestine was a purely indigenous development.

These occupants were succeeded about 7000 BCE by a second group, bringing a culture that was still Neolithic and still not manufacturing pottery, though it was not indigenous.

About 2300 BCE there was once more a break in urban life. The nomadic newcomers, consisting of a number of different groups, were probably the Amorites. Their successors, about 1900 BCE, were the Canaanites, sharing a culture found the whole length of the Mediterranean littoral.

Jericho is famous in biblical history as the first town attacked by the Israelites under Joshua after they crossed the Jordan River (Joshua 6). After its destruction by the Israelites it was, according to the biblical account, abandoned until Hiel the Bethelite established himself there in the 9th century BCE (1 Kings 16:34).

Joshua tells the Israelites that they cannot harm Rahab or her family. The Israelites must practice herem, meaning that they must destroy everything as a sacrifice to God and keep nothing for themselves… unless, of course, they want to bring destruction to their nation.

We welcome FNG Daryl – “Pickle Ball”

Announcements: 2nd F social night date TBA, Suncoast mysterio Ruck event April 29th, youth fund raising event April 22nd 8am gator wilderness run

Praises/ Prayers: SonicBoom gave a big shout out to BigMac for going far above and beyond for his family at Slimchickens 

Prayers for Spamalot’s aunt May she be at rest with the Lord, prayers for the parents and their child hank who is recovering from tragic incident

Prayers for our country and world for an increase in Love and sound leadership.

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