When: 08/14/2021


Number of Pax: 2

Pax Names: Birdhole,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Train and Bird Hole

The BackBlast:

An absolutely gorgeous summer morning on the Bay, including a welcome cooling breeze, for Train and I to co-Q this morning. We were also the followers of the Pax as we were the only two. Others are in quarantine, having Dad duties, out of town or taking CPR classes (hope we don’t need that skill but glad not have it around just in case). Our loss for not having these great guys with us – wish all would be healed and free to join its for a few calories, deepening fellowship and F3 style tour of this beautiful AO.

YHC is not a big fan of the burpee (might be the only pax in the nation that says that…at least out loud), but I have discovered the Surfee. Might be the first of its kind in the whole 10 years and thousands and thousands of workouts in all the F3 Nation! Maybe…maybe not but YHC will lane the fame until proven otherwise

COP: Moseyed to the circular concrete pad (yeah…gotta get a good name for this since we use it often), facing the early sunrise for some 3 step slow merkins, SSH, Imperial Walkers and squats.

THE THANG: Mosey down Hooker’s Pier and then back for a short seaweed-laden beach mosey to the beach-located pull up bars. Train did a bunch of high quality reps and I did 3 1/2 rough ones. YHC should have kept at the pull up bar my Dad put in my bedroom doorframe when I was 9.

  • A few step ups on the beach seawall and then to the playground for a variety of pain: pull ups using the swing (laying on ground using swing to pull up) and then a full range heels-to-heaven putting our toes high on the swing chain. Repeato for both reps.
  • Alligator crawl across the fake grass and then a series of old and new exercises called out by us co-Qs. Our variety included core work in LBC’s and two different Train-called side (oblique) crunches.
  • We had an intermission with a 1/4 mile run and then back to the plastic turf.
  • Our merkin fest included ones YHC debuted Monday at my VQ at Northwest Park: plange merkins, sphinx merkins and dolphin merkins. Train seemed to embrace these as they address different muscle groups (shoulders and biceps) than most merkins.
  • We moved a few feet to some concrete for Burg debut and maybe even the whole nation debut of the Surfee! A modified burpee where one goes down and executes the merkin but pops straight into a surfboard squat and the down for the merkin again (no standing or jump involved). Again, Train was either being nice to the old “Double Respect” guy or really liked this aberration too.

Having a few minutes left, mosey back to Hooker’s Pier – with a sidebar for dips on the benches on the way- for walking lunges, back to the to-be-named concrete circle for pull up squats (a YHC invention last Saturday) on the railings and 15 WWII sit ups (reverse off the downhill grade so gravity adds to the pain).

COT: Countarama and Namearama were still duly held even with just two of us. Not many announcements but prayer for the pax to heal, God to deliver more pax, for the family of a very dear Charlotte friend of mine who died this week of COVID (also had other health issues), and Train’s request to become more of the man that God created (love that request Train!). We had some very great quality sharing time, but without the terrific coffee that El Cap is so gracious to bring to every workout.

Whether just two or in double digits, always a blast and privilege to post with the Burg pax.

Bird Hole


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