AO: Meat Grinder - Monday

When: 07/06/2021


Number of Pax: 5

Pax Names: Brutus, Cottontail, Dasani, Enron, Pincher,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Pincher

The BackBlast:

Weather: Held off to get us through the ride

YHC launched at 5 for some EC, circled back to pick the rest of he PAX up as 6. We did the usual Cycling thing by finishing with COT before ever heading out.

The plan this First Tuesday of the month is usually bridge repeats, but today seemed like a good day to mix it up since Dasani joined us for his first Tuesday ride. We headed towards the overpass, with the plan to hit it twice, before moving on towards the Tara loop, leaving one final time to hit it before heading back. We totaled 4 times over the overpass and still got in some good 20+ mile distance. Dasani is a natural, great to have him join us in the gloom. Drinking Water needed, important 1st lesson.

We did get a second lesson, from a sheriff as he was passing us during our route on Lorraine. From his car over his speakers he reminded us we needed to be in line and not in tandem. Something we should be more aware of when there are bicycle lanes available. It’s a bit unclear in Florida law if we have the right to still tandem with a bike lane present, however we should probably be respectful and maintain use of only the bike lane as much as possible when riding…maybe??

Prayers: Ripken and his entire family as they face the health struggles of Lori’s Father. For all our tough conversations at a certain shield lock lunch that took place yesterday. For safety to all those that may be impacted by the storm approaching.

Pincher Out!

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