AO: Dixieland - Monday

When: 02/13/2023


Number of Pax: 2

Pax Names: AirWolf, Pork Roll,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names: N/A

QIC: AirWolf

The BackBlast:

The morning after the Superbowl had wonderful weather (clear and 55 degrees) and… almost no attendance, save two rugged pax who abandoned their fartsacks for some sharpening.

W/U: Mosey
– high knees/ butt kickers
– karaoke (switch)
– toy soldiers
– 10 burpees

The Thang:
– 100 merkins
– 200 flutter kicks (count one leg)
– 300 squats

7s drill
– burpees and big boy situps

Core samples
3 sets
– 20 Peter Parkers IC
– 20 long swimmers IC
– 20 windshield wipers IC
– 20 rock pushers IC
– 20 4-count penguins IC

COT: Announcements: Gator Wilderness Camp Trail Run 4/22 at 8am (5k, 10k, 15k, and Kids Run — prices increase with the distance except for the Kids Run, which is free and at 11 after the other runs are done).  Not aware of any other events before then, but please check Slack.

TaPs: Prayers for all those in fights with cancer or other health issues that may not be comprehensively covered here (certain of Stagecoach’s sister, Kim; Snapshot’s sister, Mindy; Nomad’s M; AirWolf’s Dad, Greg; Usher’s friend, Pete, etc.)

May we all have a strong week, especially any who are struggling with focus, accountability, procrastination, etc.  You’re not alone — ask for a pax-brother to help you!

-AirWolf, Out

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