When: 07/12/2022


Number of Pax: 3

Pax Names: Sir Wallace, Spinal Tap,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Spamalot

The BackBlast:

A clear and HUMID morning greeted the Pax at this rendition of the best Tuesday beatdown in the region.


Spinal Tap arrived first, followed shortly by Sir Wallace.  Sir Wallace was pumped to see eight pain stations set up for the morning entertainment.

Mission Statement and 5 Core Principles were administered…perfectly, I might add.  Then it was time to go!



Typical fare:  SSH, IST, Arm circles (both ways), Strawberry Pickers, Abe Vigodas.  All x 15.  All IC.


Next, it was time for a little something picked up from Bam (F3 Winston-Salem).

Pretty simple – perform Imperial Walkers for the entire length of Baba O’Riley, by The Who.  That is 5 minutes, or 300 seconds of nothing but Imperial Walkers.  The sweat was plentiful by the end!


Enough of the warm up, time for the good stuff!


Tabata time.  Eight stations, 45 seconds on, 15 rest.  After completing all eight stations, 1 minute rest.

Repeato until four cycles were completed.

The stations (in no particular order):

  1.  Jump Squats
  2. Jump Rope
  3. Ball Slam with 15 pound slam ball
  4. With 35 pound Kettle Bell”
    1. KB Swing (first cycle)
    2. Goblet Squat (second cycle)
    3. Halo (third cycle)
    4. Sumo Squat (fourth cycle)

5.  With 20 pound dumbells  (Squat thrusters, Alt. lunges, over head presses, and Bent over rows)

6.  Big Boy Sit-ups (WWII)

7. Side Straddle Hops

8.  With 15 pound dumbells (curls, skull crushers, curl to press, and side lateral raises)


Timing was perfect, as we completed four complete cycles.  Using advanced math, that is 32 stations completed.




Great seeing both Spinal Tap and Sir Wallace this morning.  Thanks for coming out.

Best parts of this workout:   NO running and NO burpees

Minimal movement:  0.41 miles covered

Maximum Effort:  634 calories burned. 3.8 training effect.  Boom.

In theory, the kettle bells swings were to be done with both hands.  Unless your name is Sir Wallace.  Single arms for that beast!

Jump rope is a great equalizer.  Most of us have likely not jumped rope in decades. After watching Spinal Tap, I think we all know that there is nothing he cannot do.  A pro!


Announcements/Prayer Requests

Wild Pax – whatever that is.

Laps for Life – 10/8 – see Sir Wallace if you have any questions

This Wednesday is the kickoff meeting for Sarasota Walk to End Alzheimers.  7/13 @5:30 – Motorworks Brewing.  Questions?  See Manziel.

Prayers for Sonny – Sir Wallace’s grandfather who recently passed away.

Prayers also for Spinal Tap’s step-father.  May be beginning his fight with cancer.

YHC’s 2.1 “Troybilt” is currently attending a 3 week summer program at Beacon college.  Lots of joy and nerves (mostly for YHC and my M)


YHC took us out, giving thanks for the gift of life.

Have a great day boys!












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