AO: Bad Clown Cycling - Friday
When: 05/20/2022
Number of Pax: 4
Pax Names: Cottontail, Fireball, Huey, Pincher, Smarty Pants,
Number of FNGS: 0
FNG Names:
QIC: Pincher
The BackBlast:
The Q was open, so YHC filled in…pretty easy, we just ride usually, lol. Mumble chatter was put in the cycling Slack channel but didn’t get much action, so when YHC pulled in at 0450 and no other cyclist were there it looked like YHC might be a Sad clown more than a Bad Clown this gloom. After a few min of getting the bike ready to roll and still no sign of anyone, off to the EC loop for 15 min ride.
Upon the return YHC seen Fireball putting on some cycling shoes, which weren’t exactly clown size but it did turn YHC frown upside down. Ripken quickly came over to explain that Cottontail and Huey were clowning around on 2 wheels also. YHC was informed that Huey was new to F3 and had jus gotten a tri bike, meaning some easy riding was of order. This worked out well for YHC as a good recovery ride is no Joke and was certainly due, off we rolled for some NBP loops. A few instructions and tips were given along the way to Huey, then to our surprise Smarty Pants rolled up on us, not knowing the Launch location had been changed from a few weeks ago. So he quickly got in Pace line as we rolled through the first loop. The other 3 Pax started to pull away on lap 2. I believe they got in a bit more than Huey and YHC as the taillights eventually weren’t visible any longer. We all circled back to end in COT with the rest of the PAX at 0600.
Alway a pleasure Clowning Around with you brothers!