When: 09/18/2021


Number of Pax: 5

Pax Names: Birdhole, Freestyle, Mud Pie, Smudge,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Bird Hole

The BackBlast:

After our workout, we agreed that a lot of what was said in our workout would stay in our workout. For some reason, the mumblechatter of the pax tended to degrade at times; guess boys will be boys sometimes. YHC might have also saved a marriage or two by not doing last 1/3rd of workout around beachside volleyball courts where some of the players were….well…lightly clad. Temptation is so real but the fortitude of a group of men pursuing a higher calling together overpowers wandering eyes and a weak “soul”.

Started of course with the 5 core principles and the mission of F3. As we add new awesome men, we are learning to revisit many aspects of our culture that make us unique and powerful.

COP: Headed to my fav COP spot at Hooker’s Pier where we are surrounded by water for 330 degrees. Somewhat strange sight at end of Hooker’s where a display of about a dozen white candles were at the end with a couple still burning. No clue on they were there, but with so many losses and challenges in our world they could be honoring or remembering so many things.

So with our special “light” plus another splendid St. Pete sunrise, we loosened up with squats, strawberry pickers, mountain climbers, Parker Peters, Peter Parkers, Abe Vigodas and my signature Running With Scissors (added high knees and butt kicks).


Short beach run past the beach volleyball courts, where early signs of temptation were warming up. Kept our eyes ahead (well….I did) and headed to beach wall for inclines and choice of jump ups or step ups.

Mosey with dose of Indian Run to the fake grass in the children’s playground. Truth be known, I was headed for the swim club parking lot but all of the big park area was fenced for an event/festival of which we had no clue (one about every weekend somewhere downtown St. Pete). I know the St. Pete Margarita Fest is this weekend and am sure I would have lost some pax if that were happening on the other side of the covered fence. But while exciting for tequila fans, the fenced in areas next to us were too huge for just that. Guess we have a bit of FOMO on whatever was on other side.

At the kiddie park, we did a merkin-rama missed with “breaks” to give arms a bit of rest in between. Merkin or merkin-like choices were plange, dolphin, Mahktar Ndiayes, Carolina Dry-docks and a few variations that were not named. “Breaks” included Apollo Ohnos, Rockettes (high kicks),and Superman/Bananas  Moved to kiddie swings for a handful of pull ups and then pole squats.

Mosey back towards home but YHC made the conscious decision to detour into the Tropics and away from the volleyball beach distractions. Our normal bench workout areas had some unexpected interlopers enjoying a rest (how dare they), so we moved to another part of The Tropics: partner up swapping running around Tropics with dips and SSH.

With a few minutes left, we started for home and stopped for plank merkins and plank ski jumps midway.

COT: Count-a-rama, Name-a-rama then announcements and closing preyer by YHC. Announcements included reminder to obtain and read Freed To Lead, and then the Q Source. We will start a Q Source experience in the next few weeks. Also Burg pax expect and invitation from YHC for an SLT meeting in October.

Mud Pie lead us in the 6th Man (OK…we only had 5 but YHC modified) to share his F3 story. Cool one about God leading him to find us on Facebook and kept nudging his heart (hey…most of put it off works days/weeks/months including YHC) until Mud Pie obediently showed up a few months ago. MP already looks trimmer in many ways, but God also clearly lead him to F3 to help sure the Sadclown syndrome we all have. Its only the beginning of next great step in your journey!

Prayers for many we know effected by Covid and other major health needs as well as a family who lost someone way before his time. YHC had closing prayer.

We did “teria” but no coffee today. Missed the blessing of on-site coffeteria today since our brewmaster/barista El Cap had church duty.

As always, a blessing to lead fine men into the blessed battle to become more than we were when we started.

Bird Hole

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