When: 05/22/2021


Number of Pax: 4

Pax Names: Jack Rabbit, Phat Pat, Spackler, Spock,

Number of FNGS: 1

FNG Names: Eddie Contreras aka Spock

QIC: Spackler

The BackBlast:

Welcome to a couple of newbies to Belmont. Glad that Gus referred Phat Pat who also brought an fng. F3 mission given, Cores Values given and explanation of what to happen was given.

warm up:  mosey around Parking lot doing high knees and but kickers.
SSH x 20 IC, IW x 20 IC, Dancing Bears x 20 IC, Merkins x 10 IC, Moroccan Night Clubs x 20 IC, Squats x 10 IC. Head over to dog park for a couple more exercises. Once there we had to play with a very playful Pit Bull (just making sure he’s friendly). Gather at picnic tables for Dips x 20 IC, Step Ups x 20 IC and Derkins x 10 OYO.

The Thang:  Charles Bronson. Start and end of Parking lot and do a series of exercises, then sprint 100 yards to the set of cones and bear crawl the last 10 yards. Mosey back and hold Al Gore while waiting for the six. The exercises were: 50 SSH, 50 Merkins, 50 Burpees(crowd pleaser), 50 Jump Squats and 50 LBC’s.

Mosey to Basketball court for a little exercise fun. One pax shoots a free throw. Other Pax run in place and if he makes the shots then 5 Squats and if he misses then 5 Burpees. We did a couple of rounds. These guys made more shots than I’ve seen in a while. Only did 20 Burpees.  This gave us a few minutes to let the fng lead us in SSH x 10 IC. He will be ready to lead a workout soon. Great job Eddie (Spock).

COT:  Welcome fng aka Spock. Thanks Phat Pat for EHing him. Prayers for Phat Pat coworker with medical issues.
We as men need to continue to step up and lead those around us. Continue to invite those men you know and even those you don’t know.

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