When: 10/14/2020


Number of Pax: 1

Pax Names: Sir Wallace,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Sir Wallace

The BackBlast:

1,000 reps

70F with 90% Humidity

5:15a  Just me, myself, and I… decided to taylor make the workout to focus on muscle fatigue.

warmup: None


Round 1

100 Merkin claps. Then move to next station.

Mode of transport = Duck walk to cones (25 yards), complete 100 American hammers, 100 air squats, then bear crawl back to start (25 yards)

Round 2

100 wide Merkins. Then move to next station.

Mode of transport = Duck walk to cones (25 yards), complete 100 American hammers, 100 air squats, then bear crawl back to start (25 yards)

Round 3

100 Tricep dips. Then move to next station.

Mode of transport = Duck walk to cones (25 yards), complete 100 American hammers, 100 air squats, then bear crawl back to start (25 yards)


Cool down:

20 burpees, 80 overhead claps while in wall sit position.

6:00a and ready to start my work day

Today’s Message:

Dedicate one on one time with Jesus to speak with Him heart to heart. Acknowledge what He has done for you and commit yourself to do His will.  Embrace any suffering you endure for Jesus, He allows this to bring you closer to Him.

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