AO: Centennial Park

When: 01/20/2023


Number of Pax: 4

Pax Names: DITKA, Guide Dog, Papa Smurf, Sugar,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Sugar

The BackBlast:

Four PAX approached the gloom with temps in the mid 60’s and more humidity than is typical thanks to a touch of overnight precipitation. 5:30 arrived and YHC gave the preamble and disclaimer. PAX began warmup with the traditional SSHs, followed by weed pickers, windmills, and mountain climbers. PAX then took a winding mosey which included a couple stops for 5 burpees each. There were also Bernie Sanders and shuffles. The mosey then continued over to the Walgreens so we could utilize their wall.

At Walgreens, PAX began a series of sets of Google feed solicited workouts that were modified to be better. After three rounds, we moved to a short partner segment. Partner A engaged in a wall sit whilst Partner B took a brief mosey to the Chick-fil-A curb and back, then pounded out (haha) 12 money humpers. Partners then switched. Three full rounds for this segment. Finally, 11’s were called for. PAX bear crawled to the opposite curb for shoulder tap merkins, then lunge walked back to the wall for dips. After a few rounds, transportation was switched to regular and shoulder tap merkins switched to regular merkins. AFter the 11’s, PAX engaged in an Indian run (can we still say that?) back to the “flag” (we need a shovel flag).

Time called. Count off and Name-a-Rama, followed by COT

Announcement of taking Tuesdays back to Centennial Park (at the Rec Center, not the soccer fields). Fridays will remain at Publix.

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