When: 01/23/2021


Number of Pax: 4

Pax Names: 8 Bit, Jack Rabbit, Wylie Coyote,

Number of FNGS: 1

FNG Names: 8 Bit

QIC: Spackler

The BackBlast:

F3 mission and disclaimer given. Knowing many are out of town, we brought our sons.

Warm Up. Two laps around Parking lot with high knees and but kickers and Karaoke.
SSH x 20 IC, IW x 20 IC, MC x 20 IC, strawberry pickers x 20 IC, Moroccan Night clubs x 20 IC and some Michael Phelps.

The Thang:  YHC set up 4 sets of cones for a modified suicide.  Run to first cone and do an exercise, run back. Run to second cone and do another exercise then run to first cone for the exercise and run back. Continue all the way to the forth cone. First round exercises were:

10 SSH, 10 Merkins, 10 Squats, 10 LBCs.

Now line up for a football throw. First Pax sprints to first cone and cuts right for a throw by second Pax. Any misses were 5 Burpees. We did 4 rounds and about 20 Burpees. Not bad.

Group wasn’t excited about another round so we headed to the playground for some fun.
Dips x20 IC
40 Pull-ups, 80 Merkins and 120 Squats

Now back to the cones for another round.  Younger pax are spent so we did a round of “Jacks”

10SSH, 10 Smurf Jacks, 10 Seal Jacks and 10 Plank Jacks with suicides

Mary:  American Hammers x 20 IC, Partner leg throws x 10 each

COT:  Welcome Jack Rabbits son now called 8 Bit


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