AO: Centennial Park

When: 06/20/2023


Number of Pax: 4

Pax Names: Guide Dog, Papa Smurf, Sugar, Winn Dixie,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Papa Smurf

The BackBlast:

After a long absence, the fab four of Port Charlotte F3 gathered at Centennial Park. It was old home week Tuesday, with one pax returning from the Mediterranean, and another from downrange, up north.

Note that like Rotary, we posted when we were on the road, in both Virginia Beach F3 Hampton Roads, F3 Richmond and F3 Atlanta.

The Warmup

We began with a mozy to the picnic area across the street, by alligator ridden swamps. No danger lurked, so we did our intro warmups with sidestraddle hops, windmills, imperial walkers and mountain climbers.

Question. Is there anything easier than SWIM for warmup. No. It reminds of the RSTLN and E from Wheel of Fortune. Or QWERTY on the typewriter.

The Thang

The day was simple. It was a jungle gym workout on the playground. The routine was:

  • 10 Dips
  • 10 Pullups
  • 10 Incline Merkins
  • 10 Squats
  • Monkey Bars
  • 10 Ab rollouts on swing
  • 10 Decline merkins.

We rinsed and repeated this routine. Three times. Smurf was last of course. Guide Dog was a beast on the pullups.

After three runs, we filled up 30 minutes. We still had a bit of time left, so we looped around the building, and did some sevens across the soft terrace part of the play yard, one of which was overhead claps, to make it easy.


Upcoming Fourth of July at AO Adventure Park


Thanks for safe return, and safe kids this summer while home.

Smurf over and out.

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