When: 11/14/2020


Number of Pax: 2

Pax Names: Papa Smurf, SnapShot,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: SnapShot

The BackBlast:

Breezy mid 70s nice morning.

Papa Smurf and I started right on time.  We did some old men stretches, since we are old men.  We mozied down Palmer stopping at the first two lights where we performed windmills and side straddle hops.  On the way back we stopped for Morracan night clubs.  We headed to the benches and Papa Smurf went to make sure he had his key, I wanted to make sure he wasn’t taking off on me.  We used the benches for some incline merkins and step-ups.  Then it was up the hill.

Thang: 6 Star Pain

At each point we performed a different excersise, we did three rounds of these:

30 LBCs

20 Bobby Hurleys

10 Burpees

25 American Hammers

20 Squats

20 Merkins

We still had 15 minutes so Papa Smurf suggested a rounds of 7s down Grandmother hill.

We also ahead a few orders from the lions, so 4 Burpees each were called for.

Prayers for my brother in law David’s cancer treatment and for our entire pax and first responders and medical staff.

SnapShot  ?

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