AO: Centennial Park

When: 04/11/2023


Number of Pax: 4

Pax Names: Guide Dog, Papa Smurf, Sugar, Winn Dixie,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Papa Smurf

The BackBlast:

The Tuesday location of Port Charlotte is at Centennial Park at the Charlotte County Recreation Center. The parking lot is lit, literally, so its an excellent AO.

We started with a mozy around the parking lot.


We began with old man stretches, and then went on to SWIM, without the M.

  • 10 Sidestraddle Hops
  • 10 Windmills
  • 10 Imperial Walkers

It was then on to the main event.

The Thang

Billy Madison is one of the routines of great imagination in the F3 Exicon. Idea? Like the Adam Sandler movie, you win a hotel empire if you just repeat the grades.

The Exicon describes it better than I could

Billy Madison

Inspired by Billy Madison’s journey through back through school, this routine involves a running loop and exercise per grade. For best effects, perform routine on school grounds. Begin with a loop (ideally single-file line leader style) to simulate the grade, followed by an exercise with 12 reps as the exam. This concludes 1st grade. Run the loop again, followed by the 1st grade exercise x 12 reps plus a new exercise x 12 reps. This concludes 2nd grade. Continue with the loop and adding an exercise each time until you’ve completed one loop and exercise combo for each of the 12 grades. Great for mumble chatter and telling of high school victories. Celebrate graduation with snack packs for all!

The list was, by grade:

  1. Moroccan Nightclub
  2. Flutter Kick
  3. Mt. Climber
  4. LBC
  5. Hello Dolly
  6. Pax chooses whatever
  7. Step ups
  8. Dips
  9. Plank Jacks
  10. Apollo Oh No
  11. Carolina Dry Dock
  12. Diamond Merkins

We filled up the entire period and did not have to go on to other items.

We ended in circle of trust, praying for WD’s family and health. We were then off, like Dr. Laura, to take on the day.

Over and out for Papa Smurf.

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