When: 09/21/2021


Number of Pax: 3

Pax Names: Mugsy, Olympus,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Blade Runner

The BackBlast:

Run 1 lap

Animal Planet Warm up

Inchworm push ups

Bearpees (bear crawl and crawl bear)

Dancing Bear (4 count)


Dying Cockroach

Cockroach Resurrection

Burp n Merk

Tha Thang

5 Tabata – 90 seconds rest

6 sets 30, rest 15


  1. Shoulder taps, Merkins
  2. Burpees, jump squats
  3. Freddy Mercurys, LBCs
  4. Germans, Carolina Dry Docks
  5. Muffin Tops with dips, Left / Right


Name o Rama



Prayer requests



Dear Lord

We’re grateful for this opportunity to exercise, to challenge ourselves and support each other.

We know that many are not as fortunate as we are.

Help us to appreciate all our blessings: our health, our friendships, our comforts, our families.

Help us to be generous to everyone we meet.

Give us the strength to be diligent in our work and face our challenges with courage and integrity.

In Your name we pray


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