When: 09/03/2020


Number of Pax: 3

Pax Names: Stagecoach, Trump,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Sir Wallace

The BackBlast:

Thursday Heritage Harbour AO

74F at 99 percent humidity with plenty of mosquitos

Today’s Message: hold on to the Truth, let go of the anger

5:15am warmup:

SSH, S.Pickers, hillbilly walkers, arm circles, agitators, plank calf stretches, Peter Parkers, toy soldiers


Buzzer drills

One minute shadow boxing,

One minute wall sit,

One minute Merkin swimmer,

One minute flutter kicks

Rinse and Repeat X’s 7 rounds


Stagecoach added 5×5 burpee series

Trump added LBC blasts


Cool Down:

picnic table tricep dips to failure and step ups, overhead clamps to failure, and finished with Moroccan nightclubs until 6am


announcements: Friday NBP in the gloom all PAX wear Pink, laps for life virtual 5K with F3Suncoast Team meeting to run at Patton Park on white eagle Sunday September 13th at sunrise. Signup here

praises: to all Pax still managing to stay active in F3 despite obstacles in their life.

prayers: healing for trump’s 2.0 injured knee, continued prayers for Ripken’s M and Trane’s M to stay cancer free, to this great nation under God that we can be positive influences in this messy world.

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