When: 10/31/2020


Number of Pax: 1

Pax Names: Dr Feelgood,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Dr. Feelgood

The BackBlast:

Beautiful cool (68 degrees) morning at the celery fields today. Beatdown consisted of a warmup, total body workout, and hill running. 

Warmup: SSH, stormtroopers, Morrocan’s, strawberry pickers, and a short mosy.


  • Every 20 min sprint up the hill
  • Set #1: 50 American Hammers, 50 SSH, 50 LBC, 25 Narrow Squats, 25 Incline Merkins… (Run the hill)

    Set #2: 25 STEP UPS (EACH LEG), 25 Decline Merkins, 25 Big Boy Situps, 50 DIPS…. (Run the hill)


    Set #3: 20 Burpees, 45 Wide stance squats, Bear Crawl, 15 Backwards lunges (Each Leg)… (Run the hill)


    Set #4: 25 Carolina Dry Docks, 15 jump squats, 30 Plank Jacks, 25 Mnt. Climbers (each Leg), 15 Flutter kicks … (Run the hill)

Prayer Requests: The unsaved, teachers/police and EMS, and the upcoming election

Honored to be apart of F3 and looking forward to the next beatdown at the celery fields!!


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