AO: Centennial Park

When: 01/07/2023


Number of Pax: 2

Pax Names: Sugar,

Number of FNGS: 1

FNG Names: Guide Dog

QIC: Sugar

The BackBlast:

YHC pulled on some sweats for the drive in the naked Jeep over to the AO since it was under 60 degrees. Expecting to be joined by at least one other HIM, that turned about to be the case. However it wasn’t the HIM that was expected. A few minutes before 5:30, some guy pulled up and asked, “Is this the exercise thing?” Why yes it is.


Preamble/disclaimer was given. We moseyed around the lot and then “circled” up for SSHs, arm circles, and copperhead squats.


After the warm up, we took a mosey to the other corner of the parking lot. The four corners were explained as below:


Corner 1: 5 Burpees

C2: 10 Donkey Kicks

C3 :15 HR Merkins

C4: 20 Squats


C1: 5 Lunges (Alpha Count), 5 Burpees

C2: 10 Dips, 10 Donkeys

C3: 15 Shoulder Taps (Alpha Count), 15 HR Merkins

C4: 20 LBCs, 20 Squats


C1: 5 Bobby Hurleys, 5 Lunges, 5 Burpees

C2, BTTW (10 sec), 10 Dips, 10 Donkeys

C3: 15 Mountain Climbers (Alpha), 15 Shoulder Taps, 15 HR Merkins

C4: 20 Imperial Walkers (Alpha), 20 LBCs, 20 Squats


C1: 5 Diamond Merkins (These were supposed to be where the Bobby Hurleys were), 5 Lunges, 5 Burpees

C2: 10 Dips, 10 Donkeys

C3: 15 Shoulder Taps, 15 HR Merkins

C4: 20 LBCs, 20 Squats


C1: 5 Burpees

C2: 10 Donkeys

C3: 15 HR Merkins

C4: 20 Squats

Mosey the long way back to the “flag”

Count off

Name-a-Rama (Including FNG name ID’d as “Guide Dog”


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