When: 02/13/2021


Number of Pax: 3

Pax Names: Jack Rabbit, Spackler,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Spackler

The BackBlast:

Welcome Wrangler from Jacksonville. Small crew today so we get to do some running. No FNGs so let’s go.

Warm Up:  2 laps around Parking lot with but kickers, high knees, and Karaoke.
SSH x 20 IC, Cherry Pickers x 20 IC, IW x 20 IC, Arm Circles forward and backwards x 20 each IC, ATMs after explaining what they are. Everyone is warm now.

Thang: Stay in parking lot And lunge walk to first island, do 20 Merkins, lunge walk to second island and do 20 squats, lunge walk to final island and do 20 LBC ‘s.

Head over to picnic tables for 20 step ups OYO and Dips x 20 IC.

Mosey to pond and stop to try and recruit a man. Now we do an exercise for a minute then run to a corner. We do Merkins, Squats and LBCs for the first round. Running after each exercise. Since my M’s birthday is today and FIA is working out close, we decided to run by them and sing happy Birthday!  Now for round 2. Wide arm Merkins, Jump squats and flutter kicks.

Mosey to playground for some fun. Wait, had to introduce an exercise I just heard of first called Batwings. It’s Little arm circles forward x 20 IC, backwards x 20 IC, Seal Claps x 20 IC and Overhead Claps x 20 IC with now rest in between. Shoulders now spent. Great for the next round of exercises. Use the swing to do 30 Derkins and leg pulls, then 60 Merkins and 90 Squats.

mosey back to AO and since we didn’t do any burpees, we burpee broad jumped half the parking lot.

Mary:  Heals to Heaven x 20 IC, Dying Cockroach x 20 IC.

COT: Go Ruck event in FL. Prayers for Wrangler and Spackler elbows, prayers for growth of this AO and prayers for Spackler 2.0 for doctor to figure out what’s wrong.

finished off with a great conversation at Wawa. Love this group.

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